Erika Salumäe: To Stay Alive

Publié le par Stephandero

erikaHere below is a promotion video to the book "To Stay Alive" about Erika Salumae two times Olympic champion in women`s track sprint.
This is an unbelievable story of a Cinderella, her difficult childhood in an orphanage, her struggle for survival in a juvenile prison and the endless self-surpassing in the team of the former Soviet Union.

Erika become the first female Olympic champion in Estonia. This book provides strenght and inspiration to people, showing that it is possible to emerge from misery and make it to the top.

What are the lessons of her life? This is a story of the extraordinary will and power that took Erika to the top of the world. "To Stay Alive" was a bestseller in Estonia in 2009.

Publié dans bicycle

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